Diocesan Officials

Acting Bishop of Glasgow & Galloway

The Right Rev Andrew Swift

Dean of the Diocese and Bishop’s Commissary

The Very Rev Reuben Preston

Synod Clerk

The Rev Canon Gordon B Fyfe

Provost of St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow

The Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth


Sheriff Bruce Erroch KC


Ronald Inglis

Diocesan Secretary

Dr Susan Burr

Diocesan Treasurer


Canon Missioner


Bishop’s Chaplain

The Rev Matthew Little

Assistant Director of Ordinands

The Rev Canon Paul Watson

Vocational Discernment Co-ordinator

The Rev Verity Brown

Bishop’s Advisor in Lay Ministries

The Rev Canon Gordon B Fyfe

Warden of Lay Readers

Ray Gascoigne

Diocesan Auditor


Diocesan Architect

Rebecca Cadie

Diocesan Surveyor

Elliott Glenesk

Diocesan Child & Vulnerable Adults Protection Officer

Jenny Whelan

Diocesan Administrator

Kim Schmulian

Office Manager and Bishop’s PA

Christine Hughes

Dean’s PA

Janet Chalmers

Book-keeper and Admin Assistant

Iolanthe Stack

Digital Engagement Officer

Petko Marinov

Cathedral Chapter

The Bishop
The Dean
The Provost
The Synod Clerk
The Rev Canon Wilhelmina Nesbitt
The Rev Canon Jane Ross
The Rev Canon Drew Sheridan
The Rev Canon Paul Watson

Honorary Canons

The Rev Canon Ian Barcroft
The Rev Canon David Bayne
The Rev Canon Cedric Blakey
The Rev Canon Prof David Jasper
The Rev Canon Jeanette Jenkins
The Rev Canon Alex Laing
The Rev Canon Shelley Marsh
The Rev Canon Sandy Montgomerie
The Rev Canon Robin Paisley
The Rev Canon Prof John Riches
The Rev Canon Kenneth Stephen