Financial Stewardship

As Christians, we see financial giving as a spiritual exercise. This practice flows from our understanding that “all things come from you (God), and of your own we give you.” In other words, all of the blessings in our lives, including material wealth, come from God and in thanksgiving and gratitude we are called to give of that wealth back to God—enabling the Good News of Christ to be shared far and wide.

Talking about finances can be a challenge in our culture, but it is an essential part of our journey as Disciples of Christ.

How we talk about and handle money, as people of faith, is important. Many of our congregants are on a fixed income and we all struggle with the cost of living crisis. However, those things don’t absolve us of our responsibility to prayerfully consider how we allocate the resources with which we are blessed—whether they are many or few.

Exploring financial stewardship in the Bible, talking about it openly in church, and inviting congregations to prayerfully pledge from their abundance can deepen our understanding of God as parent and creator of all. Acknowledging our dependence on God and one another, in an age where independence and individuality are celebrated above all else, is a crucial part of our lifelong faith formation.

1 Peter 4:10 states, “Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.” This verse reminds us that the gifts with which God blesses us should be used, joyfully, to serve God. We are called upon as faithful disciples to give in time, talent, and treasure. Oftentimes, however, we are more comfortable talking about giving time and talent while avoiding talk of “treasure.”

By practising financial stewardship, churches can plan ahead and manage their resources to fulfil a broader mission and serve Jesus in our communities.

Increased Giving and Stewardship Campaigns

The Diocesan Council explored a variety of Increased Giving materials to support congregations to engage in Stewardship Campaigns in their local context. The following resources offer solid programmes that could be applied across the diocese.

Free Resources
Giving in Grace
Stewardship | Church of Scotland
TENS | The Episcopal Network for Stewardship
Simple Giving Programme for Smaller Churches—Parish Resource | Church of England
Center for Faith and Giving—Free Annual Stewardship Resources

Paid Resources
Our Money Story Stewardship Bundle via Sanctified Art