Diocesan Synod 2025

  1. Overview
  2. Elections
  3. Bishop’s Lent Appeal
  4. Protection of Vulnerable Group – Report
  5. Diocesan Environmental Group – Report
  6. Message from the Bishop-elect

The Diocesan Synod of Glasgow and Galloway took place on Saturday, 22 February 2025, beginning with the Eucharist and Chrism Mass at Holy Trinity, Kilmarnock and continuing at the Howard Centre.

The Rt Rev Andrew Swift, Acting Bishop of the Diocese, guided members of Synod through the business of the day.

The morning session included the appointment of a new Diocesan Treasurer (Dr Susan Burr), temporarily acting as Diocesan Secretary, as well as the elections of representatives to General Synod, Diocesan Council and the Faith & Order Board.
Jenny Whelan, the newly appointed PVG Officer, presented the Protection of Vulnerable Groups report, underscoring the Church’s commitment to safeguarding.

The Annual Accounts and 2025 Budget were presented and followed by table discussions exploring ways the Diocese can strengthen support for charges and their vestries. Before the lunch break, Bishop Andrew introduced his chosen Lent Appeal charity, Refuweegee. Founder and director Selina Hales delivered an impassioned address, sharing the charity’s inspiring work in welcoming and supporting refugees in Scotland over the past decade—a message that resonated deeply with the Synod.

The afternoon session reviewed the 2024 statistical returns of the diocese. While a continued decline was noted in congregational (-4.7%) and communicant (-5.6%) rolls, there was a significant rise in adult baptisms, confirmations, and marriages, marking a hopeful trend. Celebrations of Holy Communion increased by 54% from the previous year, with total communions up by 42%. Eastertide communions reached their highest level since 2019.

A report from the Diocesan Environmental Group, supported by Rev Stuart Bain (DEG chair), Rebecca Cadie, Petko Marinov, Prof Ian Arbon, and Iain Johnstone (Provincial NZAP team), was enthusiastically received and developed further over table discussions.

Members of Synod also voted in favour of the Alteration to the Schedule of Canon 22 as passed at first Reading at General Synod 2024. The Dean provided an update on St John’s, Annan which held its final service in 2024, explaining the provisions of Canon 36.12, which allowed for the closure of the charge. The Synod voted to approve the motion.

The Synod then heard from the Rev Canon Prof John Riches, who shared news of the Friends of Kaporo rice project, a recipient of support from the Bishop’s discretionary fund. The day concluded with a video message from the Bishop-elect, the Rev Canon Dr Nick Bundock, recorded in Uganda.

After Bishop Andrew expressed his gratitude to all who contributed to the smooth running of the Synod, the gathering closed with the Confirmation of the Acts of Synod and the Blessing.


Below are the results of the Diocesan Council election. For a full list of current Diocesan Council members check the relevant page.

Mr Rob Thain (Lanark) was elected as a mid-term vacancy replacement to continue a previously vacated lay term until its completion at Synod 2028, when he would be eligible for a full term, as outlined in our Diocesan Constitution.

Below are the results of the General Synod election. For a full list of current General Synod representatives from the Diocese check the relevant page.

Following their co-option by the Bishop’s Core Group, Mr Rob Thain (Lanark) and Mrs Fiona McCulloch (Bishopbriggs) were homologated by Diocesan Synod as Diocesan Lay Representatives to General Synod.

House Name Charge(s)
Clergy (4-Year Term) The Rev Canon Gordon B Fyfe Newlands
Clergy (2nd 4-Year Term) The Rev Harriet Johnston Kilmarnock
Clergy (2nd 4-Year Term) The Rev Matthew Little Hamilton & Uddingston
Clergy (4-Year Term) The Rev Alison Mathew King’s Park
Clergy (4-Year Term) The Rev Dawn Matthew Challoch & New Galloway
Clergy (2nd 4-Year Term) The Rev Martyn Trembath Ayr
Laity (2nd 4-Year Term) Mr Ray Gascoigne Cumbernauld
Laity (2nd 4-Year Term) Mr Petko Marinov Maybole
Laity (2nd 4-Year Term) Ms Morag O’Neill Dumbarton
Laity (4-Year Term) Mr Reuben Thomasson Troon

Below are the results for the Alternate Representatives to General Synod.



Below is the result of the Faith and Order Board election.
Mr Ray Gascoigne (Lay)

Bishop’s Lent Appeal 2025

The charity chosen for Bishop Andrew’s Lent Appeal 2025 is Refuweegee. You can find more about the work and mission of Refuweegee on their website.
You will find ways to donate, including the specially set-up fundraising platform shortly.

Protection of Vulnerable Groups – Report

I took over from Anne Jones in October 2024 and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Anne and the Diocesan Office staff for all their help and support in the transition period.
You will be aware there has been no Annual Safeguarding Return this year, usually sent out in the form of a questionnaire. This year a more detailed engagement process is taking place with Dioceses, PVG co-ordinators and vestries.
Many of you will have received updated information from the Provincial Safeguarding Team. We are in a period of transition as changes come into force in April 2025. All PVG applications are now done online. We are expecting more changes to happen in April 2025, but as yet there is no further news on that. I will keep everyone informed as soon as there is more information.
In the meantime my thanks go to my colleagues in the Diocesan Office and the Provincial Safeguarding Team.
Jenny Whelan
Diocesan Protection Officer
United Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway

Diocesan Environmental Group – Report

What has our Diocese achieved in 2024?
Our focus for 2024-25
1. Build a Movement – Work with those in our extended community. DEG has met regularly to consider how to encourage and promote care for the environment and how to work in the context of the NZAP directed by SEC, priority on building a movement; rooted worship; and understanding climate change, with practical and achievable steps towards the goals set out in the plan. Two churches held eco-days with an open invitation to the wider Diocese, attracting engagement from the local community, ecumenical and interfaith partners, and secular organisations.

2. Climate Literate – Learn and teach about care for creation. Several webinars with climate and energy issues developed by NZAP team and DEG, attended by some church members, DEG online newsletter attracting engagement, NZAP Toolkit cards have been used by some churches. Some members have completed Carbon Literacy Training.

3. Rooted Worship – Promote caring for God’s creation in worship. DEG promoting Care of Creation with the development of study resources distributed throughout the diocese. These have been taken up by a good number of churches as Advent, Lent and Creationtide practice and studies. Churches are including environmental issues in intercessory prayers. DEG has established an online resource of materials available on the Diocesan Website, some of which has been picked up by external organisations.

Find more information on our page.

Other aspects of the Net Zero Action Plan at work in Glasgow and Galloway

4. Energy efficiency excellence – Seek to reduce energy use.
Energy Footprint Tool analysis completed by half of churches in the Diocese, please consider your responses for 2024 (the EFT website will reopen for submissions shortly and congregations will be contacted). A few churches have renewed their lighting to LED; gas boilers were renewed or changed to electrical heating system for more efficient energy, several rectories installed double glazed windows. The Diocesan Property Committee is working on organizing rectory EPCs to carry out shortly. Group of 4 churches in Glasgow are taking party in a heating survey monitoring energy use and controls for existing gas boilers, focusing on optimizing heating window and use of space matching, as well as lowering costs and emissions. Findings will be shared later this year, with benefit of other buildings to consider. The Diocese has purchased heating monitors which are used at several locations to gather more data.

5. 100% Clean Energy – Change from fossil fuels to renewables-generated electricity.
Some churches changing their energy providers, seeking renewable generation and a few investigating PV panels on halls, rectories, etc. There are four churchesn in the Diocese with oil-fired boilers in places where there is no gas supply and considerations are needed for decisions when those boilers reach end of life.

6. Thriving Biodiversity – Develop biodiversity and conservation. Several churches have developed their planting and gardens with community and biodiverse options and engaged with beekeeping and use of locally-grown garden flowers for church decoration. A few churches taking part in RSPB annual birdwatch and butterfly count.

7. Active Transport – Use less polluting forms of transport. Individuals have made decisions to use public transport/reduce flights, have had a few bicycle repair workshops and promote local e-bike schemes, a few churches with EV charger available.

8. Zero Waste – Care about fair purchasing, food & waste. Quite a number of churches promoting better habits for recycling and separating waste at premises, and developing composting on site. Repair and recycling workshops and second hand clothing activities taking place in some churches. A few churches consciously reduce use of throw away plates and cups, reduce use of floral foam for flower arrangements, etc.

9. Good Governance – Seek expert advice and guidance. Several churches asking for technical advice from Net Zero officers and diocesan property committee . Evaluation of eco activities carried out by churches who are members of Eco-Congregation Scotland – 19 of our churches are members and three have silver awards.

10. Positive finances – Consider where you invest your money. Some churches considering their investment providers and portfolios, reviewing their finances and managing budgets to benefit decisions for improved environmental aspects to balance against their long term sustainability and financial viability; seeking grants to help with environmental improvements assisted by Net Zero officers.

Message from the Bishop-elect