Digital Office Hours Offered to Members of the Diocese

A pilot scheme for Digital Office Hours from three members of our diocesan staff will be offered via Zoom. Members of the Diocese are welcome to “pop by” to ask a quick question or have a brief conversation about the life of our congregations.

The pilot scheme will take place initially from 3 May–18 June, at which point the uptake will be evaluated and a decision about the future of the initiative will be reached.

To join the Digital Office Hours Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 835 9544 4736
Passcode: 054815
UK Phone Number: +44 (0)131 460 1196

Digital Missioner’s office hour—Mondays, 10-11am. Click to join meeting.
Petko will be happy to hear about the digital journey of church communities and to offer support to congregations aiming to improve their online presence (website, social media, etc.). News, events, and projects to share with the Diocese and the Church are also welcome!

Canon Missioner’s office hour—Tuesdays, 10-11am. Click to join meeting.
People from charges in transition are encouraged to stop in if they have specific questions about compiling a profile or preparing their church to welcome new clergy. Alternatively, Canon Audrey is glad to talk with folks about mission projects in their charges or mission grant applications.

Dean’s office hour—Fridays, 10-11am. Click to join meeting.
The Dean’s Office hour will provide an opportunity to meet with Dean Reuben to discuss issues that you wish to address on the grounds of Canon 35 applications, property issues generally or personnel or pastoral issues. The Dean will operate a waiting room so that your conversation is private.

Further appointments could be arranged as necessary.

The Diocesan administrative staff would also like to remind everyone that they are always available to schedule time to chat if you have questions with which they can be of assistance:

The Office Administrator and Bishop’s PA—Christine Hughes—is available to discuss diocesan matters at

The Property Administrator and Dean’s PA—Marion Noble—is available to discuss property matters at

The Book-keeper and Admin Assistant—Iolanthe Stack—is available to discuss financial matters at
