Beloved in Christ,
Below you will find the materials for the Season of Creation (1 September–4 October), created by the Diocesan Environmental Group (DEG.) For this season of growth and hope we have chosen to focus on the parables of seeds and planting. It is our hope that these resources will support your congregation as you look, with hope, towards caring for the Creation with which God has entrusted us.
Download the PDF of the Creationtide 2024 materials here. Further resources and downloadable options will be available from the Diocesan Environmental Group page over the coming days.
DEG Creationtide Materials 2024 Colour FINALYou will find an A5 sheet for each week of the Season of Creation. These sheets have been purposely designed to easily insert as a page in your pew notes or newsletter. The lessons have been created to provoke both individual reflection, as well as lending themselves to group discussion or study. One strategy for engagement could be to replace the lectionary Gospel text for each week of Creationtide with the parables we have suggested. This would allow for the preaching that deepens the conversation surrounding work towards reducing our environmental impact as individuals and as a church. Churches could partner, or regions could collaborate, to offer weekly bible study using the materials in person or online.
Members of the DEG are available to consult with your congregation’s vestry, eco group, or membership regarding ways to get started on or dive deeper in your journey to reduce harmful emissions and preserve this “fragile earth, our island home.”
Yours Sincerely,
The Rev Canon Audrey O’Brien Stewart
on behalf of the Diocesan Environmental Group