The Rev Debbie Davison, rector of Holy Trinity and St Barnabas, Paisley and Good Shepherd, Hillington, writes about the patronal festival celebration at Paisley and the completion of the choir room roof.
“Trinity Sunday was a time of great celebration, when we welcomed not only unexpectedly clement weather and parish Eucharist to celebrate our patronal festival but also the completion of the choir room roof. This was the culmination of much hard work, diligence and commitment, particularly by Bob Lundy, Denis Meney, and Alan Potter.
Denis gave a warm and humorous speech, during which he thanked all those involved and particularly our Treasurer, Bob, who has spent considerable time and care over the past two years, as well as other tasks, applying for grants. Our youngest member present, Olivia, assisted ably with the holy water, as well as steadying the ribbon when older members risked toppling the stands(!) and passed scissors at the key moment.
We are particularly grateful to those who helped with funding—the Scottish Episcopal Church, the Baird Foundation and the Garfield Weston Foundation. Thanks are also due to Diocesan Architect Rebecca Cadie who, to quote Denis, ‘kept us right’ and also legal! Thank you, Rebecca. The roof was completed swiftly, thanks to the care and skill of the great roofers and builders—Martin Carr and team, aided too by unusually good weather.
As more people have been able to emerge from isolation, it was a great blessing to share Communion, in person, this Trinity Sunday and be able to gather (or rather ‘distance’…) together in the fresh sunshine and raise a modest ‘glass’ to those involved. It is good to know this will not only shelter the choir and community groups once they regather but that it will be there for another couple of hundred years, by which time, the current Vestry Members very much hope to have been allowed to hand things on!