Canon Missioner Transitions to New Role in Secular Education

Bishop Andrew, as Acting Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway, wishes to announce that the Rev Canon Audrey O’Brien Stewart will be stepping back from her role as Canon Missioner for the Cathedral and Diocese. Audrey is taking up a post in Kirkintilloch in secular education as she discerns where God is calling her to use her priesthood in the future. She has agreed to remain a self-supporting priest in the diocese.

Audrey has been in her post as Canon Missioner for over eight years and has been closely involved in transitions as priests take up new role, acted as transitional priest for Heartland charges, supported the work of the Diocesan Environmental Group, and has encouraged Diocesan mission and ministry activities through her work with charges throughout the Diocese. At the Cathedral she has participated in the liturgical and pastoral life of the congregation as her spiritual “home base.” Audrey moves into this next chapter of life and ministry with our thanks and good wishes for all she has brought to us. We will work to help her grow this new phase of her priestly ministry alongside her secular role as a Support for Learning Assistant, working with students with complex additional support needs.

Her final Sunday as Canon Missioner will be November 24, the Feast of Christ the King.

Please keep Audrey, her spouse Chris, and their daughters Hazel and Islay, in your prayers as they go through this time of transition in their life and witness.

+Andrew, Acting Bishop
