Three honorary canons were installed by the Rt Rev Kevin Pearson during a Diocesan Choral Evensong for the Feast of Christ the King.

The Rev Canon Ian Barcroft was ordained priest in 1989, within the Diocese he was the Rector of St Mary’s, Hamilton (1997-2019) and St Andrew’s, Uddingston (2016-2019), as well as Dean of the Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway (2010-2019), since 2019 he has served as the Provincial Director of Ordinands.
The Rev Canon Cedric Blakey was ordained priest in 1980, within the Diocese he was Vice-Provost of St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow (2010-2018) and Diocesan Interfaith Adviser (2014-2018) and a Canon of St Mary’s (2018), he retired in 2018 and has since moved to the Diocese of Edinburgh where he holds permission to officiate.
The Rev Canon Sandy Montgomerie was ordained priest in 1996, within the Diocese he has served the congregations of the North Ayrshire Team since 1994 until his retirement in 2020, he was the Diocesan Ecumenical Relations Co-ordinator (2005-2012) and a Canon of St Mary’s (2016). He has served as the interim priest of St Columba’s, Largs during their 2021 vacancy.
Congratulations to Ian, Cedric, and Sandy and many prayers of thanksgiving for their ministry and witness in our Diocese and the Scottish Episcopal Church.