Bishop Search 2024

The United Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway is in an Episcopal vacancy. During this time, the Rt Rev Andrew Swift, Bishop of Brechin, is also our Acting Bishop.

You can find more about our Bishop Search below. Updates to this timeline and additional information will be added as the process unfolds.

You can find out more about the newly revised process of the calling and election of bishops to vacant sees in Canon 4 of the Code of Canons.



2 Mar 2024 Bishop Kevin announces plans of retirement at Diocesan Synod.
May 2024 Bishop Kevin gives formal notice of retirement to the Primus, the Very Rev Mark Strange.
29 Jun 2024 Farewell Eucharist, Celebration of Ministry Service and Thank You from Bishop Kevin
29 Jun 2024 The Diocesan Council (functioning as Standing Committee) meets to discuss and plan for the vacancy.
1 Jul 2024 The Bishop of Brechin, the Rt Rev Andrew Swift is confirmed as Acting Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway during the Episcopal vacancy.
19 Jul 2024 Diocesan Description requirements are communicated to charges in the diocese.
Aug 2024 Charges complete and return information for the Diocesan Description.
1 Sep 2024 Bishop Andrew is Acting Bishop of the diocese.
Electoral Process begins
2 Sep 2024 Mandate for the Election of the Bishop is issued by the Primus to the Dean, the Chancellor, the Clerk of the Episcopal Synod, and the Convener of the Standing Committee of the General Synod, inaugurating the Electoral Process.
Bishop Andrew, as Convener of the Electoral Synod, issues summons to the Episcopal Electors of the Diocese for the Preliminary Meeting of the Electoral Synod.
Read: Mandate for Episcopal Election and Summons for Electoral Synod Issued
Sep 2024 Diocesan Council approves and circulates the Diocesan Description together with such future plans and intentions for the work of the diocese as relevant. Training on the Electoral process and the discernment for the calling of a bishop is offered.
21 Sep 2024 Preliminary Meeting of the Electoral Synod and Elections to the Preparatory Committee
Stage One of the Process begins
21 Sep 2024 First meeting of the Preparatory Committee, arrangements are made for advertising the vacancy, closing date for nominations and review of the questionnaire.
Oct 2024 Advert inviting nominations is placed online and in the Church Times, closing date for receipt of nominations is three weeks later.
Nov 2024 Preparatory Committee consults with relevant parties, including Diocesan Council and College of Bishops. Nominations are considered and some candidates are invited to complete a questionnaire.
Nov/Dec 2024 Questionnaires are returned, the Preparatory Committee decides which candidates to invite for an interview.
Dec 2024 Candidates interview with the Preparatory Committee.
Jan 2025 Preparatory Committee decides list of candidates to present to Electoral Synod (minimum 3, maximum 5). List of candidates, along with relevant paperwork is sent to members of the Electoral Synod (the names of the candidates are kept confidential to the public). Online discernment training is offered.
11 Jan 2025 Electoral Synod meets the candidates.
18 Jan 2025 Electoral Synod undertakes an election. If a candidate is successful (an absolute majority in both houses), they have 7 days to respond to accept. Within 100 days of acceptance of election—a provisional consecration date is set. If the process fails to elect, it continues with Stage Two taking a similar form to Stage One.

The whole process listed in Canon 4, should it go through all three stages of the election, would be completed within a year of the start of the vacancy, with a consecration by the end of 2025.